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Sfmag No124

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Sommaire - Interviews -  Rain Graves

"Rain Graves" de Par Michael Lohr

De Michael Lohr notre correspondant aux USA , une interview exclusive de Rain Graves, auteure américaine qui a obtenu le Bram Stoker Award

Exceptionnellement vu la qualité de cette interview nous vous la proposons en langue anglaise.

Never Lick Something With Your Eyes Closed :
An Interview With Rain Graves

by Michael Lohr

Honestly, I have always found the horror fiction community to be a fuzzy and friendly bunch. When attending the Horror Writers Association conference or any such gathering, they usually check their egos at the door and welcome you with open arms. Most are just plain folk who happen to be very skilled at freaking out the general public. Just ignore the succubus giving head to Brian Keene in the corner and you’ll do just fine.

One of the rising stars of the new horror movement is Bram Stoker award winning writer and poet, Rain Graves. Hailing from the peculiarly liberal and flamboyant city of San Francisco, in the peculiarly liberal and flamboyant state of California, Rainy, as her friends call her, is a master or mistress, if you will, of the macabre. She has written and collaborated on many works including the Bram Stoker Award winning poetry collection The Gossamer Eye (Meisha Merlin 2002) with fellow horror writers Mark McLaughlin and David N. Wilson. She has recently written short stories for Decadence, an erotica anthology from Prime Books, Excitable Boys, from Freakpress (now Nightshade Press), Freaks, Geeks, & Sideshow Floozies from TwilightTales Press, Bad News edited by Richard Laymon (Cemetery Dance Publications) as well as for the forthcoming In Laymon’s Terms : A Tribute to Richard Laymon, edited by Kelly Laymon (Cemetery Dance Publications). In addition, she received an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling’s Years Best Fantasy and Horror (vol.14). She is also working on an illustrated adult urban fairytale titled The Angel of Wrong Things with local artist Ashley Despain. She is currently writing two novels My 10,000 Perfumes and the soon to be legendary The Mask of the Dragonfly. Rainy is a very busy lady !

I am a coinsure of good poetry and I must tell you that Rain’s collection of dark, speculative poems entitled Blood of a Blackbird (Mystyque Press 2000) is an exquisite oddment of the grotesque and gothic rapped in an obsidian tapestry. Some of John Shirley’s sordid poems are about the only works that come close to Blackbird’s skill and intensity. Incidentally, he wrote the introduction.

As a writer her words will put you on the edge of your seat. As a poet she captures the horrors of everyday reality and the shadowy edginess of twilight with a verbal gift rarely seen today.

1. What is your primary inspiration to write ? Where do you find your writing muse ?

I don’t know if I have a primary inspiration... I write because I have to get it out of my head and somewhere else. If I didn’t have that creative outlet, I might still be playing music or doing art, which was what I did to get things out of my head in high school and college. I find a muse in everything. Walking down the street, the way a dandelion pops up through the cracks in a sidewalk, and some little kid comes by and stomps on it-I mean really crushes it-then giggles wildly and moves on. That kind of thing inspires me. Sometimes it’s people watching at a café or bar. Sometimes its crime, politics, love, hate, and of course, my cats. Maybe the ghost that lives in my apartment building. It used to be a bordello back in the early 1900’s, apparently, and all the tenants on the second floor have had similar stories about our ghost. He’s also a people watcher, and rumored to be very good looking. I myself, have never seen him, but I’ve heard him. He’s done things like pulling out chairs from behind me while I’m typing, to popping a heavy painting off the wall that’s never even been rattled by an earthquake, and turning on my bedroom clock radio (when it’s been unplugged), while I’m gone...stuff like that inspires me.

2. I know you have a mixture of Native American and ancient Egyptian spirituality that feeds your muse now and again. Have these things come out in your writing at all ? Or do you keep them separated ?

Yes, actually, they have come out in the writing. I think bits and pieces of various spiritualities, not just my own, are always present in my fiction and poetry even though I don’t usually sit down intending it to be that way. Oddly enough, I did write one short story that was based entirely on the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman, but it never sold because none of the editors I sent it to understood what I was saying about it, because I never used the term “White Buffalo Calf Woman” to describe the character. It was an evolution, like in the legend, and she simply became a buffalo. Not too many people are familiar with the legend as is... To the editors, it was a futuristic story about some dumb kid that talks too much with an old crone and turns into a bison, with no real understanding as to why. I guess not putting a label on some things doesn’t work as well as...say...not calling a vampire a vampire.

The Egyptian stuff crops up all the time. I love writing stories about Gods. Some of them, like “Judgment Day,” which was originally published in a Twilight Tales online Author of the Month series, go on to be published several times over. It later appeared in Hours of Darkness which is an e-book published by Scorpius Digital, and later yet in Decadence, which is an actual print trade paperback book.

I don’t think it’s good to separate your spirituality from anything, except maybe how you shop for bubble gum.

3. Do you care to talk about the vision of the Egyptian God Ra that you had when you where young ? If so, then would you care to give the readers a short synopsis of your experience ?

Without taking too much away from Storm Constantine’s site-article, basically, it’s the oldest memory I have - and a recurring nightmare that later just sort of ‘went away.’ I can remember all the way back to age two, but prior I remember nothing - I think because of the traumatic experience it was for me, it caused my memory cells to kick in.

A two year old cannot equate such an experience with Sun God similarities - but later, as I learned about Egyptian history in school, the thought did dawn on me that there may have been more to it than that. Of course, I didn’t want to be crazy either, so I never discussed it with anyone or told anyone about it except my grandmother, who was there.

To read the entire encounter with the Egyptian Sun God go to this Internet site : http://www.ladyoftheflame.co.uk/Articles/MyRa.htm

4. Does the muse ever surprise you in unpleasant ways ? In other words, are you one of those people that have notepads and pens scattered about the house and car because you must be prepared for those moments when you are suddenly struck by the muse ? This usually happens to me at four in the morning while I am attempting to get a drink of water in the dark, an idea, title or name will pop into my head that must be written down.

Yes, I am one of those people. I generally keep a journal with me at all times, unless the situation warrants not carrying a bag big enough to keep one in-like going to the opera. I get struck at unfortunate times, too, when driving or when I forget to bring my journal with me and don’t have a laptop handy. I usually scribble on anything I can get my hands on, then, like a cocktail napkin or newspaper page. The trouble with these little clippings is that they get lost or drenched or otherwise disappear.

There are also times when I wake up in the middle of the night and have a wonderful idea. If I don’t get up and write the story right then, it will never be written. I will never remember it, either. I can’t rely on notepads by the bed because in the past, I have tried to, and had trouble with accuracy. Once, I woke in the middle of the night to the most brilliant revelation I’d ever had-it would have been a best seller ! It would have been later made into a movie ! It would have made me a million dollars !

But I was so sleepy... Too tired to get up and write it all down. Instead, I wrote the key phrase that would unlock the magic of the universe that was my idea, down on a pad that was beside my bed. It was all I needed, and I knew I could write the story in the morning with a fresh brain. When I woke, I suddenly remembered the revelation, and excitedly looked at the pad of paper. On it was written, “Frozen cookies.” Obviously that never became anything. I remind myself of “frozen cookies” each time I wake up at 3am with a brilliant idea, and that usually gets me out of bed and to the computer.

5. Within the horror genre whose work first influenced you to write and whose writing do you still find the most fascinating now and why ?

I would say a lot of things I read when I was young had to do with influencing me. Andersen’s Fairytales and the Brothers Grimm. Later it was V.C. Andrews’ series Flowers in the Attic. At around 13, my mother gave me a copy of The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy. Ray Bradbury was a huge influence. These days it varies, because I tend to read a lot more than I did back then for leisure purposes. Bradbury is still there with everything he writes... but George R. R. Martin is a constant literary genius whose writing is not only beautifully and artfully done, but causes such an addiction to his stories that I am always hooked. Seth Lindberg said it best when he called George’s work “literary crack.”

I aspire to write that well, though I don’t think I ever will. Neil Gaiman tells excellent stories, and I’m always awe of his prolific ability to create new and interesting ideas. Classics too-things like Shakespeare’s plays, Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Carl Sandburg was brilliant with just about everything, and “Lines for Gene Kelly to Dance To” is one of my favorite poems. Even Casanova, mostly because he filled up six volumes of life history and still never completed it before his death. Clark Ashton Smith because he was like the little dark romantic side of the kind of writing that era had to offer - a bit more smooth and polished than Lovecraft, in my opinion.

6. What writer from outside the horror genre do you find the most fascinating and why ?

There are a lot of writers outside the horror genre I find fascinating. Pablo Neruda is one. Nietzsche is another that I liked when I was younger... I liked Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen. Basically anything that makes me think, and is a good, fast read. Something that’s well-written, too. For instance, I find Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code a bit daunting in the way it’s written, but I like the fascinating idea of the story. There is so much information in that book, that it almost could not have been written any other way, too.

7. Have you ever attended an American rodeo or the Burning Man festival in Nevada ? I think someone was killed there last year. Oh, and being a musician have you ever considered entering the International Air Guitar Championship held in Finland every year ?

While I have almost attended a Rodeo, I have never almost attended Burning Man. Not even when it was just a few thousand dusty, sunburned people in the desert, bartering for water with sex, drugs, and art. It’s natural now that it’s 60,000 people, that one or two might die there. Dehydration, poor judgment, and misuse of drugs tends to climax when what was originally an idea about being creative and an artist, and doing something big and huge with your art and your brain that is so ineffably cool...is now dwindling down to ‘hey let’s go out into the desert to get laid and party.’ Personally, if I wanted to see that many people naked I would just go to the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco.

As a former musician, I can honestly say I’ve never considered the International Air Guitar Championship in Finland, mostly because when a person has a guitar and can play a guitar, there is no need to employ the use (or abuse) of an air guitar. I imagine it’s a lot of fun to see, however. I suppose everyone has an air guitar. Since I don’t need mine, you can have it.

8. What is the strangest experience that you have ever had ? What was the most embarrassing moment in public that you ever had and do you blame Disco for these events ? After all, in the world of quantum mechanics all things are related no matter how polar opposite they may seem.

The strangest experience I have ever had ? That’s tough. I’ve had a lot of strange experiences. I consider things to be strange that other people might not... Like the time I was on a date at Aqua, a very high end, chic seafood restaurant in San Francisco (the food is not great, by the way). My suitor was very handsome, but not too bright. After chugging down four vodkas on the rocks, he pulled out his very own jar of caviar and told me he never left home with out it, gave me a gift of a hand-crafted statue of Bast, complete with gold earring, and then asked me if I was going to eat the caviar I had left on my plate from the first course. I said no, that he could have it, and he did. A few more vodkas later he told me that though he was a lawyer and had passed the bar, he prefers to sell off pieces of the family farm when he needs money, rather than work. Then he said, “But my father is really angry about that.” Which led me to believe that he was doing this while his parents are still alive, and as you can see, I was already not liking him very much.

A nice woman from another table was carrying a dozen long stem red roses, and on her way out she gave one of them to me on a whim. During conversation with my suitor, he picked up the rose and began to eat it. Yes...that’s right. Eat it. Petal by petal he ate my rose, right in front of me and the rest of the people in the restaurant. “I just love roses,” he said. “You don’t mind, do you ?” I looked at him and said, “No, I guess I don’t, I mean-you’ve eaten it already. You did know that wasn’t chocolate, right ?” Of course he did.

That was very strange. I blame disco for that.

My most embarrassing moment...I’ve had a lot of those. When I was 16, I had a terrible crush on a 19 year old boy named Chris. He played bass, and I played guitar. He used to want to be a chef, and would come to the Italian restaurant where I worked because he liked the food, and I fed him for free. My mother didn’t know about us, and this eventually drove him to say he didn’t think we should see one another anymore, because he got tired of me sneaking out to see him, and he’d wanted something more of a real relationship than a 16 year old can provide.

Years later I was in a band called Aislynn, and my best friend at the time, Craig, played bass. We went everywhere together-parties, gigs, rehearsals, and we were very, very close. I would go so far as to say we had secret crushes on one another that we only found out years later. One evening he took me to dinner at his parents house, as his mother is an excellent cook. He’d talked at length about his brother, and that he himself was adopted into the family but that they were as close as real siblings. You can imagine my surprise when Chris walked through the door and there was an awkward silence. Since Craig was adopted, he looked nothing like Chris, so I’d never put two and two together. I was silently praying that Chris would not remember me, as I did look quite different but it had only been a few years. We chatted uncomfortably for a little bit, and Craig was picking up on this, eyeing us sideways.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere ?” Chris said.
“No, I don’t think so...” I said.
“You look really familiar,” Chris said. More sideways glances from Craig.
“Uh, yeah. Actually, you do look familiar now that I think about it.” I said.
“Didn’t you used to work at Peppino’s ?” Chris said.
“Yes,” I said.
“And didn’t we used to date ?” Chris said.
“Hmmm. Yes, I believe we did. It’s all coming back to me now...” I said, nervously, as Craig grumbled in our general direction.

I blame disco for that too. Especially the BeeGees.

9. For those out there that don’t know, Rain is a rather well-known and talented Tango dancer who dances internationally in Tango events in the US and Argentina. How did you get started in Tango ? What is it that drives you to dance ?

Argentine Tango isn’t really the kind of dance that has competitions, though there are some. In the US, ballroom dancers are judged more by the amount of competitions they’ve won as far as successfulness. In Argentina, tango dancers (very different from ballroom tango) are judged by their sheer talent, and the success of certain shows. Its competitive nature is in your ability to dance well, and continue to get better and better, and exhibitions are often where you show off your talent, but not for prizes. The prize is the respect of your peers and your Maestros.

I only ever entered one competition as an amateur in the US, with my first dance partner. We placed first in the preliminaries, and then went to Los Angeles for the finals. In Los Angeles we won the grand prize, which was awarded by the Argentine Government before the demise of De LaRua, and it was an all expenses paid, VIP trip to Argentina to study with masters and dance in Buenos Aires. I had been there on a pilgrimage the year before to see what it was like, so I knew where to go, what to do. I’ve gone every year since, to continue to study and dance. There is no place like Buenos Aires for tango. Buenos Aires is tango.

Since that first success, I’ve worked and partnered with some wonderful dancers, famous and non, in Buenos Aires, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Some dancers in Buenos Aires actually know me by my middle name, “Katalina” because there’s no pronunciation in Spanish of “th”. Katalina is Spanish for Kathleen...another “th” name. Since my first name is Heather, both names are difficult for non-English speaking Argentines.

In Buenos Aires, you can still see a small poster of me dancing with my former partner, Omar Vega, in the window of a tango shoe store called Flabella in Centro. I think it’s the same one that was recently on the cover of a French tango magazine last January or February, though I’ve never seen it.

How I got started in tango is a little dramatic. I was involved with a man about 6 years ago who I thought I was going to marry-Being a romantic sort of guy, he thought it might be fun to take tango lessons. We’d had a friend that was taking them up at the Metronome Ballroom and he asked me if I would consider it. I said sure, it sounded like a good idea, and I’d always wanted to learn but never had the excuse.

We took the beginning classes for a month, then broke up, and he swore never to dance tango again. I kept right on dancing...

I don’t think anyone chooses to dance tango. I think it chooses you. I dance tango because it’s such a large part of me, like writing, that I couldn’t imagine life without it. I’m driven to do it, compelled by my passion for it, and there is nothing in the world like turning your brain off and getting carried off in the music and movements with your partner. You can dance with 10 strangers in a night and never know their names...yet see their faces year after year in the same Milongas, all over the world. I love dancing, and I love tango. I could live without disco, though. I’m not in love with that.

10. Do you have any pet peeves, such as annoying telemarketers, country music or Jesus freaks ? And please don’t say stupid interview questions.

Telemarketers are the scourge of the earth. I know this because I used to be one, and hated the fact that I had to do such things for money when I was a poor college student. I love country music. I rented a room from Jesus Freaks in college, so no, I don’t mind them. People who do not use their turn signals are incredibly annoying, just like people who don’t call you back. Hitler is a turn-off. ...And my biggest pet peeve is George W. Bush. I can’t stand him, and what he’s done to my country, other peoples countries, and the price of tea in China. I am very patriotic about my country, but not patriotic about Bush. These days it’s very embarrassing to be an American.

11. Have you ever had a UFO, UBO (Unidentified Burping Object) or an URO (Unidentified Running Object) encounter ? Have you ever assisted in creating a crop circle or faking a bigfoot sighting ?

I have never seen a UFO. I have never been to Area 51. I did have an encounter with a UBO, but it later proved to be my cat. What sort of verb do you mean by the use of “running ?” I have never wandered into a field and killed corn to stage an artful yet purposeless series of circles. Anyone who’s seen the movie, Children of the Corn knows why. This was, of course, later changed by Field of Dreams, but I still wouldn’t advise it. Bigfoot lives at the Bigfoot Lodge in San Francisco. He has a brother in Los Angeles, too. I tend to have more fun doing things like getting my straight male friends to dress up in my clothing. Why, just the other day...oh, nevermind.

12. Have you ever urinated on any public historical sites like Ozzy Osbourne did at the Alamo ?

FYI : I found out that the reason why Ozzy’s first wife left him was because he got so jacked up with alcohol and drugs one day that he grabbed his shotgun and killed seventeen of his family’s pet cats. I think the idea of Ozzy intoxicated with a shotgun would scare the hell out of anyone. Imagine the poor bastard that had to clean up that mess.

Umm, no. The only time I have urinated in public was when I was a kid on road trips, having to stop on the side of the road and find a suitable bush or tree, much to my leafy embarrassment (I was terribly allergic to poison ivy). Same goes for camp sites. Generally, I don’t even like public restrooms...I will hold it for as long as humanly possible to avoid going in a public restroom. Especially on Haight Street or Polk Street.

I tend to think that a lot of Ozzy Osbourne’s stories have misfortunate reasoning behind them. For instance, the bat thing - the story goes that he bit the head off a bat at a show to be evil and nasty. The real story is that the stage props were dozens of rubber bats. Someone had thrown a *real* bat up there, which he grabbed thinking it was a rubber one, and bit the head off. He commented once, that the idea of going through a series of rabies shots simply for a silly stage stunt really was not even in his realm of thoughtful planning. To paraphrase, I think he said, why would I fucking do that to myself ? Ozzy is my hero. I love Ozzy. O - Z - Z - Y !

13. Is it true that you dated someone from the heavy metal band, Megadeth ?

While it is true I was involved in a long-term relationship with a guy who was in The Call, The Grassy Knoll, and played guitar on various other records, like...Michael Schenker’s last Japanese release, I think, he wasn’t actually in Megadeth. He did work with them remastering and engineering a bunch of records, however-7 of them. That was a few months ago. They call him the “golden ear” in the recording industry. He’s worked with people like Tom Waits, Greg Allman, The Doobie Brothers, Alice in Chains, and more recently I think he did work with Flea and Peter Murphy. He and I still keep in touch and we’re close friends, though it didn’t work out. His name is Ralph Patlan, and yes ladies, he’s still gorgeous, and still single. He would appreciate me mentioning that. Ha !

14. Speaking of music, what types of music do you enjoy listening to and who would you consider to be your favorite musical act ? Is there any particular music that you find inspirational that helps you write ?

I like just about every type of music except for Cajun Zydeco. I find myself listening to a lot of Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Nina Simone, Tori Amos, Five for Fighting, Matchbox 20, Santana...and yes, Ozzy. I also love 50 Cent, Missy Elliot, Death in June, Type O Negative, VNV Nation, de/Vision, Duran Duran and Aha. For tango... Pablo Pugliesi, Bebe Pugliesi, Color Tango, Gotan Project, and Anibal Triolo are some of my favorites. Darienzo and DiSarli are of course, staples for teaching - and one must never forget Piazzolla or Salgan. We may not have Salgan for much longer.

In fact, Piazzolla’s Tango Ballet is very inspirational for horror writing. It sounds like scorpions making love. I often listen to instrumental tango music while I write. Gardel only when I’m in a mood, though he’s kind of like the Elvis of Argentina.

15. I know you have been working on a novel for a mass-market New York-based publisher, how is that project turning out ?

No contract has been signed, but they are considering it, and I’m working with the editor there as the book finds its way from infanthood to adulthood. I’m stuck on The Mask of the Dragonfly at about 30,000 - as it’s one of those things that is going to have a lot of information in it, and I need to be sure the information is organized and delivered correctly, otherwise the whole thing will implode like a soufflé gone wrong. The editor agrees with my assumptions, so we keep in touch on it and eventually he’ll get a finished product that I’m satisfied with. At present it has all the right ingredients and flavor - the idea is all up there in my head just waiting to get itself completely out, but I’ve gone back and changed a significant portion of the book itself to reflect the story better. So it’s going slow, because I keep rewriting it. It’s not one of those books that I can simply write from start to finish, and then come back to later to edit.

Generally I hop back and forth between that one and My 10,000 Perfumes, which is a novel I recently began writing about tango that as of yet, has no publisher because it’s still too young to send anywhere-and I won’t send it anywhere until it’s complete. That one has been up in my head for years, but until now I never knew exactly how to write it.

Neil Gaiman and Jack Ketchum have been urging me to write this book for a number of years now. John Shirley too. It just goes to show you that if you remind me often enough of why I should do something, I will eventually do it. It just has to be done right. There are so many ways not to write that book. Certainly their urging was a catalyst to begin, but I have to say it was tough to figure out.

I suspect that Robert Duvall ran into the same problems when he did Assassination Tango. A book or a movie about tango must be done right, or you will be laughed out of Argentina for not knowing what tango is. That’s another one I started two times but never got beyond the 3rd or 4th chapters with before ditching the version because it wasn’t quite right ; it didn’t capture what it really is to experience tango. I had to keep reminding myself that tango is not just a noun...it’s a verb, an adjective, a state of being. Now that I’ve got the voice I want My 10,000 Perfumes to have, the rest is easy. It just takes time.

16. You have a wonderful poetry subscription e-list, Barfodder, available for a very, very reasonable price. And you also have an excellent line of associated merchandise for sale (http://www.cafeshops.com/raingraves), would you care to elaborate further these Rain Graves items ?

Barfodder was intended as a way for me to dodge doing another book of poetry because I wanted to focus on the novels instead. Whenever a fan contacted me asking me about the next poetry book, I directed them to Barfodder as an alternative, because I had no plans for another poetry collection. I didn’t advertise it, or treat it as a formal publication. I just figured it was a way to give fans what they wanted cheaply. So I devised a yearly subscription that would be cheaper than a paper magazine, since it’s online, and let people pay electronically. In return they get roughly 3-5 poems a week delivered to their inbox. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and the list was small - only people who contacted me and asked to be on it were given the subscription information. I take all the poetry I write while in bars and cafes, which gets scribbled in my various journals and then transcribed by my assistant to electronic form, then posted to the list.

Overtime, however, all that poetry mounted up. It became a book without intending to be one, so right now 70% of that poetry is sitting on a genre publisher’s desk right now, awaiting its fate. Since it’s ongoing, I suppose it will be finished when/if someone accepts the book. It’s a finished product already.

The neat thing about that list is the feedback I get from readers. It comes directly to me, so when someone likes or dislikes something, I find out rather quickly. I’m a bit behind in uploading poems, however, as I’ve been traveling a lot more than usual. Plus, I get to write about what ever I want. Most of it’s horror, tango, or politically related. Some of them even might be about love or lust. Never smurfs !

Barfodder Facts :
Barfodder Subscriptions cost $5 a month for a trial basis, which goes towards a yearly subscription, or $15 per year payable via Paypal.com. You will receive 3 to 5 poems per week in your inbox, automatically delivered by e-list. This is private, closed to the public, and your subscription email address will not be shared with or sold to anyone. To subscribe, send an email or your paypal payment to lastpharaoh@onebox.com referencing the e-list.

17. Is there any departing wisdom or advice that you would like to give to the readers about writing or life in general ?

Save the Poetry and First Novel Stoker Awards.

Finish what you write.

Dance often, even if you can’t dance.

Read more dark poetry. Tom Piccirrilli, Charlie Jacob, Daphne Gottlieb, Jack Ketchum, Doug Winter, Neil Gaiman, Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Alfred Tennyson, John Keats, Carl Sandburg, William Shakespeare...the list goes on.

Karaoke bars save lives.

Cock roaches will one day cure AIDS.

Quality, not quantity.

Leo is the only tango shoe maker you will ever need in Buenos Aires.

If you can read Dutch, pick up a copy of the tango novel that mystery author Jac Toes wrote, because it’s that good.

Always buy ladybugs instead of pesticides to get rid of aphids.

Elvis is alive and lives underground, at the Pentagon. (You think I’m joking, don’t you...)

For further information on Rain Graves go to her website at : http://www.raingraves.com

When next we talk with Rain we’ll discuss that nasty infestation of leaf cutter ants she got while traipsing about the jungles of Costa Rica looking for that elusive Aztec Golden Buzzmonkey. Until then, always remember that when in London, try to avoid those pungent, distasteful religious fanatics in Speaker’s Corner, caribou meat usually tastes like bad latte unless the cook uses a few healthy doses of Jamaican jerk spice, and get a Vitamin C shot at least three times a year.

Michael Lohr

URL : http://www.internet.is/music/writer/michael_lohr.htm

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